Friday Night Magic – Draft Sep 22, 2023 06:00PM Join us for Friday Night MTG! Commander, Modern, Standard; Come draft a unique deck and play against friends for fun weekly prizes in an awesome social atmosphere! We Buy, Sell and Trade ALL MTG! Sign-Up opens at 4PM. Tournament at 6pm.Events Every 8 People. Register In-Store or Online At The best game store on the north shore. From the big easy to the magic city, McNabb Games has the largest showcase of comics collectibles cards toys and games. Not only do we sell fantasy games but under our publishing umbrella we even create our own exclusive fantasy gaming products. Visit McNabb Games at 1200 Harrison street in Bogalusa Louisiana or online today at #bogalusa #comics #game #chess #tournament #folsom #franklinton #angie #sun #bush #lgs #mcnabbgames #mtg #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #smashbros #strixhaven #draft #reopening #magic
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